Tree Purchase
We Need Your Trees!
If you want to maximise the value of your wood resource with minimum hassle and assured payment, then Pan Pac would be keen to talk about the future harvest and marketing of your forest or woodlot.
Pan Pac has a large investment in processing facilities in the Hawke’s Bay; this means we are committed to ensuring that private forest owners and farmers get the full realisation of their investment, for the future sustainability of our own business.
Pan Pac has been a major harvesting and marketing company of privately owned forests and woodlots in the Hawke’s Bay for over 20 years. Pan Pac is always interested in speaking to you regarding any future harvesting and marketing opportunities you may have, regardless of how far off your harvest may be.
We provide a total harvesting and marketing solution, from on-site planning and engineering to post harvest clean up to your satisfaction. As the largest forest owner and harvester in Hawke’s Bay, we have the best harvesting solution for your wood.

We have developed a wide range of export and domestic markets that complement our own processing facilities in Hawke’s Bay. Our scale in the Hawke’s Bay ensures our ability to access all domestic and export markets to maximise your returns.
We guarantee payment of any logs that leave the gate.
Payment for all logs leaving will be made in full the following month at the price agreed.
We are open to discussing any method of marketing for your forest or woodlot.
Some of the many sales options are; managed sales, composite price, sales by grade or lump sum. To maximise the value from your wood we only use qualified log makers, these people ensure that the best value is cut from each tree in relation to market needs and demands. This involves a cutting instruction which is best suited for the forest or woodlot. We are keenly aware that this has a high impact on value and we run checks on the actual grades produced versus the expected outrun for the block.
Image credit: John Cowpland
Harvesting and Logging Systems
Not all farms and forests are the same.
Hawke’s Bay is a large area and with a varying environment. We have unparalleled experience in all of these environments. We can offer you various harvesting options to suit your terrain and the location of your woodlot. From haulers/yarders for steep difficult areas, to skidders and bulldozers for easier country, we will utilise the most effective means of harvesting your trees.
We have a highly skilled professional harvesting contractor base. Our contractors are employed on a long-term basis which guarantees we maintain professional well-trained highly skilled personnel. We have a wide variety of logging crew configurations and the ability to match the best crew to your forest/woodlot.

We understand the cost implications in road construction and we offer financial support in this area. We can prefund the costs of road construction up front and deduct them from your royalty payments or we can include them in your stumpage quotation. Pan Pac have experienced and knowledgeable road planners and engineers to ensure that roads constructed are up to necessary safety standards and will last for the duration of harvest. We utilise experienced and knowledgeable forestry engineering contractors, which we employ on a consistent basis.
Pan Pac has its own contracted wood cartage fleet which is the largest in the Hawke’s Bay. This allows greater flexibility to cart wood as and when required. This is advantageous during wet periods when getting large volumes of wood out at short notice is very important.
Pan Pac has comprehensive safety and environmental management systems which meet Worksafe NZ and local government requirements. We believe that safety and environment is an integral part of our business and we strive to maintain strict safety and environmental standards for ourselves and the contractors that work with us.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 has severe penalties for failing to keep people safe. We cannot risk our business by cutting corners when it comes to safety and neither can you. Choose Pan Pac with our health and safety systems managed by our dedicated H&S Manager and we can mitigate the risk for both of us.

Wood Purchasing Team
Our Wood Purchasing team has over 30 years of forestry experience and has been purchasing wood in Hawke’s Bay since 1994.

Neil Blunden
Wood Purchasing Manager

Russell Schaare
Wood Purchase Coordinator
Pan Pac’s forestry team can also assist you with the full range of forest management work including planting, pruning and thinning. We have highly skilled forestry crews that can help make the management of your forest hassle free.