
Sustainability, along with Health and Safety, forms the foundation of our business.

A sustainable approach is integral to everything we do and a core component of our company’s purpose, which is to provide sustainable, tailored forest products to fulfil society’s needs. We have 50 years’ experience in adding value to our natural resource and we are proud to be part of New Zealand’s bioeconomy.

In 2020, we asked our key stakeholders about the sustainability areas that Pan Pac should prioritise in its operations. The stakeholders included staff, customers, suppliers, iwi, neighbours and our shareholder Oji Holdings. The top priorities identified were health and safety management, water pollution, sustainable forest management, positive organisational culture and leadership and waste management. Other key priorities included: effective resource utilisation, employee wellbeing, water conservation practices, soil management, technology and innovation, biodiversity management and protection, reducing fossil fuel energy consumption, work/life balance for our employees, contribution to the local economy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting assets and supply chain.

Pan Pac aligned the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals to the priority areas and identified the targets that we would work towards. In 2022, we produced our inaugural Sustainability Report that outlines our current performance and the projects that are planned and underway to achieve our goals.


Sustainable Development Goals

Pan Pac supports the Sustainable Development Goals The chart below features our sustainability areas of focus, in the order of the priority given by our ...
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Forest Stewardship Council®

Forest Stewardship Council® Pan Pac achieved Forest Stewardship Council®(FSC‑C017103) Certification in December 2001 and has maintained it since. FSC® Certification is a system that provides ...
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