Why we work here
Ana Rocha
Continuous Improvement Manager - Pulp
Started 2022
As a Continuous Improvement Manager, I’m responsible for leadership and oversight of Manufacturing Excellence implementation in the Pulp area, developing and facilitating the communications plan, and overseeing the documentation and dissemination of reports and action tracking. My role is to contribute to increasing Pan Pac’s efficiency with LEAN/Six Sigma tools, standardised procedures, and improvements in general, working in collaboration with all areas.
I chose to work at Pan Pac due to its high level of commitment to the environment, health and safety, the community, and respect for people.
I enjoy working here because of the work environment, friendly co-workers and inspiring leaders who provide opportunities to share experiences and learn more.
Hawke’s Bay is a perfect place to live with my family. It has a safe environment, good schools, and very few traffic jams. There are many outdoor activities available and a friendly community. I really enjoy living here with my daughter and husband.
In June 2022, I had an opportunity to participate in a Pan Pac-sponsored planting day with my family at Eskdale Park. The event was organised by Te Huka Waiohinganga (Esk River) Care Group and attended by volunteers from Pan Pac and the community. It was an amazing morning working as a team with the volunteers and restoring the area with 2,500 native plants.

“Hawke's Bay is a perfect place to live with my family.”
Matthew Tuite
Engineering Manager – Lumber Area
Started 2018
I am currently the Engineering Manager for the Lumber Area. Essentially the role involves looking after the engineering team members and the contracting resources to ensure we are able to deliver a high-quality maintenance and engineering service to our production team. Prior to that I held the Machine Centre Engineer role and the Reliability Engineer role for Lumber.
I had always worked in the industrial site environment since graduating from university as a mechanical engineer and Pan Pac offers that same experience while also being based in a highly desirable part of the country.
I am very fortunate to work in a great team surrounded by great people – both very talented at what they do and enjoyable to interact with also. On top of that, the plant offers a whole lot of engineering challenges and the role offers a raft of other challenges which keeps the job interesting.
I really enjoy the climate and the readily available quality fruit and vegetables. I also enjoy all the recreation activities the area has to offer such as biking on the limestone trails, the beaches and the wineries.

“I am very fortunate to work in a great team surrounded by great people.”
Russell Schaare
Wood Purchase Coordinator – Forests Area
Started 2020
My role involves securing and managing the harvest of private woodlot resource, to provide high-quality logs to both the sawmill and pulpmill. Our team deals a lot with farmers and small-scale private forest owners; I take pride in doing a tidy job and looking after our clients’ values, while still managing efficient roading and logging operations.
I have a lot of my university friends working here and had heard good things about the company. Hawke’s Bay was attractive for me particularly for its weather and outdoor recreational opportunities – it has lived up to all expectations.
I have found my team very supportive in helping me learn the role and establish good working relationships. Everyone tends to be sociable and inclusive, which always keeps things enjoyable.
When my partner and I moved here we were looking forward to the weather, the proximity to both our families and the relatively affordable regional housing market. I enjoy my fishing, mountain biking, tramping/camping and running, and have found plenty of great opportunities all around the region for these.

“I have found my team very supportive in helping me learn the role and establish good working relationships.”
Anna Zhang
Forest Analyst – Forests Area
Started 2019
I manage and develop ESRI field apps to support the business, with a focus on Health & Safety and the environment.
Last year I developed the Survey 123 app to replace an old paper-based system. The app is used by our foresters and contractors to measure performance, track assets, and record information (such as archaeological sites and native bird sightings in our forests.)
It’s in Sunny Hawke’s Bay, what else do I need? Jokes aside, I love the forestry industry and find it fascinating. It’s great to see how Pan Pac manages its forests and maintains them in a sustainable way. Pan Pac also looks after and values its staff.
The people are very nice and down to earth. The Pan Pac employee benefits also help me achieve my financial savings plan.
What’s not to love?! I am not a city person, so after seven years in Auckland, it was a dream come true to re-locate back to the Hawke’s Bay. I love spending time with my friends in the lovely outdoors and afterwards enjoying a glass of wine and cooking and eating fresh local produce.
I love getting out into the forests and seeing the operations firsthand. You get to understand how hard-core forest operations are and at the same time, see Pan Pac’s high health & safety and environmental standards in action.
Being able to see how the industry works and seeing the environmental benefits that forests bring to our environment and community makes feel proud to work for Pan Pac every day.

“I love Hawke’s Bay, every single day the drive to work is a joy!”