Pan Pac Environmental Trust

We established the Pan Pac Environmental Trust in 2019.
The Trustees include representatives from Ngāti Parau, Mana Ahuriri Trust, Pan Pac Stakeholders Forum, Maungaharuru Tangitū Trust, Pan Pac Stakeholders Forum, Whirinaki residents and Pan Pac.
The Trust adds to Pan Pac’s existing community support and sponsorship initiatives in Hawke’s Bay. Pan Pac contributes up to $100,000 per annum towards projects that benefit the environment and culture of the region. We welcome applications from all community groups with projects that meet our criteria and look forward to expanding our impact in Hawke’s Bay.

Criteria for projects
- Projects that have tangible outcomes for local and relevant land, freshwater, coastal and ocean environments in Hawke’s Bay.
- Funding events or the establishment or construction of educational facilities to encourage public engagement with the environment.
- Monitoring programmes for assessing the effects of human activities on the environment.
- Research and implementation projects related to enhancement, restoration and protection of Tangitū including kaimoana and other fisheries, mahinga kai, rongoa, and other species, within freshwater, coastal and ocean environments in the takiwa of the Mana Whenua Hapū.
- Enhancing the mauri of the natural resources within the takiwa of the Mana Whenua Hapū.
- Assisting the Mana Whenua Hapū to exercise their tikanga and kawa, including kaitiakitanga in relation to Tangitū.
- Assisting the Mana Whenua Hapū, including rangatahi, to learn about and engage with Tangitū, which may include: mahi toi, wananga and whakapapa research.
For more information, visit