Pan Pac ends 2021 on a high note

Despite the challenges facing New Zealand exporters due to COVID-19, Pan Pac plans for future growth with the opening of a massive lumber warehouse at Whirinaki today.

The warehouse is the size of two rugby fields with a capacity to store 14,000m3 kiln-dried lumber.

The company is approaching its fiftieth year of operations and continues to grow in scale and capability with its products now being exported to most of the major continents around the globe.

Pan Pac MD Tony Clifford said the warehouse represented a significant investment by its shareholder Oji Holdings in the future of Pan Pac and the Hawke’s Bay region.

“We are proud of our contribution to the Hawke’s Bay community,” said Mr Clifford. “A recent report by BERL found that $1 out of every $16 in Hawke’s Bay is generated by Pan Pac.”

The report noted Pan Pac provides work directly and indirectly for more than 3,000 people in Hawke’s Bay and has contributed more than $3.5 million towards community initiatives since 1992.

Minister for Forestry Stuart Nash attended the opening and acknowledged the long-term vision of Pan Pac’s shareholder Oji Holdings.

“Pan Pac has played an important part in the Hawke’s Bay economy for as long as I can remember,” said Mr Nash. “This warehouse shows the value Oji places in the business and that it is here for the long term.”

Mr Nash noted the contribution forestry would make towards the Government’s emissions targets for 2030 and beyond.

“The only way we can achieve the promises we’ve made is to engage with the forestry sector.”