Product Range
Pruned Lumber
Pruning removes the lower branches from the tree at a young age, resulting in a high yield of clear lumber when the mature tree is milled. Clearwood is ideal for use in products where appearance is paramount, such as solid mouldings, window frames, and premium decking. Pan Pac’s main pruned grades are:
Clear 1 – full clear boards, with no defects permitted.
PM1F – a superior Moulding & Better grade designed to yield long clear rips. Includes all the full clear boards from the cut.
PCOL – the ungraded full range of boards from pruned log only.
PM3R – a mixed shop grade consisting of the downfall from the PM1F runs, excluding the industrial.

Sawlog Lumber
High quality sawlog expertly milled and with the core boxed out of every log. These grades are versatile feedstock for cross-cutting and finger-jointing operations, or for applications in which a knotty appearance is appropriate.
CUTS – the Industrial is graded out, resulting in a #3 cuttings and better mix.
COL – the full ungraded range of boards from sawlog.

Industrial and Corewood
Careful handling throughout the milling and drying process means that Pan Pac’s downfall products represent exceptional value.
P9R and KD Industrial boards are suitable for finger-jointing or for components that are not visible to the end user.
Flitch is ideal for use in pallets, packaging, and cable drums as it is easily re-sawn into desired dimensions. This product is supplied green after anti-sap stain dip treatment.