Our Forests
We are the largest forestry grower in Hawke’s Bay
Across the Bay we have a total forest area of about 35,000 hectares. The majority of the forests are next to the ranges so often border with Department of Conservation land. These are ex-state forests, and from north to south are: Mohaka, Esk, Kaweka and Gwavas. Tangoio, the other substantial forest, is coastal and located around the Pan Pac mill and Waipatiki.
A programme is underway to hand back Iwi land. Over 80% of the land on which our trees are planted is owned by local iwi. The remainder is freehold land.
We have almost logged one rotation of trees, about 30 years of harvesting. This means the majority of the main access roads and tracks have already been constructed. The forestry cycle typically consists of about 1,000ha being logged and the corresponding area that was harvested the previous year being planted.
Our forests are almost exclusively radiata pine. They are grown because they can provide the quantity and quality of raw material our sawmill and pulpmill require.
We prune a large portion of our trees to provide our sawmill with the logs to produce our premium product – Clearwood. Eliminating branches in the lower 6.5 metres provides a clearwood sheath of knot-free wood.
You can find more information about our forests in the Pan Pac Forests Public Summary. This document also includes our Monitoring Summary.
To request a copy, please email

Safe, efficient log cartage
The Pan Pac log cartage fleet contracts 100 trucks with 110 drivers operating 24 hours, 5 days a week, year round. We also do Saturday cartage on demand.
Pan Pac trucks operate daily from Hicks Bay north of Gisborne through to Wellington in the south and into the Central North Island. As well as servicing Pan Pac harvesting crews, the fleet is uplifting logs from a wide cross-section of private and corporate Forest Owners throughout the region. Complimentary to this work, Pan Pac is contracted to cart logs for P F Olsen Ltd (Rotorua, Gisborne and Napier), Forest Management New Zealand Ltd (Napier & Masterton) and Matariki / Rayonier New Zealand (Napier).
If you have logs that need transporting – consider the safe, efficient, cost-effective option provided by the Pan Pac log cartage team.