Applications now open for 2021 Trust funding

Applications are now open for the next funding round of the Pan Pac Environmental Trust.

To qualify, projects must be either: Environmental – benefiting the Hawke’s Bay community by promoting enhancement, restoration and protection of the environment or Cultural – offsetting cultural impacts on Mana Whenua Hapū.

Last year, the Trust provided a total of $100,000 in funding for the following projects:
MAUNGAHARURU-TANGITŪ TRUST: to deliver the Whakatipu Kaitiaki (Raising Future Kaitiaki) wānanga programme to rangatahi from the Ahuriri hapū.

OTATARA OUTDOOR LEARNING CENTRE: to promote nature as a context for learning and connect young people with the environment at an early age.

REDAXE FORESTRY INTELLIGENCE: to increase the propagation of the endangered Kākābeak/Ngutukākā through the development of a regional urban seed bank.

TE WAI MAURI TRUST: to establish a nursery adjacent to Waiōhiki Marae for growing seedlings from seeds gathered within the local catchment areas to enhance biodiversity.

Applications close 14 May 2021. For more information or to apply, visit